
Giving each child its base to grow.


Merging them into the bigger world.


Enabling successful individuals.

Our Objectives

The main idea at the Pre-primary level is “early intervention” in order to build the developmental foundation towards primary school, whereas, at the Primary level, the main goal is to “bridge the gap” in developmental and academic areas to help them return to the bigger settings with improved skills and confidence. This is like, preparing the vulnerable saplings in a protective and preparative soil-bed with the required nutrients to make this sapling survive the challenge and eventually live in the big garden with the rest of the plants!

Our Main Features

  • Early intervention.

  • Blend of Education and Therapy – where, therapy is provided on-site during the school hours and integrated with the educational objectives.

  • Hands-on and multisensory learning methods.

  • Focus on self-care, behaviour and social skills.

  • Very (very) small size classrooms to render the attention that our tender saplings actually require.

  • Team working with a child-centered approach.

  • We are an ILP-based School.

Development is a unique process and is special for every child!
We envision to preserve their uniqueness while still empowering and integrating them into the big world.